Arnold Schwarzenegger Sued For Prisoner's Death In 'Valley Fever' Outbreak
The family of Rodney Taylor Sr. -- who was a prisoner at Avenal State Prison from 2010 to 2014 for a drug offense -- claims he contracted Valley Fever while in custody. They say the virus eventually killed him and the ex-Gov failed to "warn and properly educate" Taylor about the sickness.
Valley Fever attacks the body's organs ... victims may suffer skin lesions, limb amputations and brain damage. The disease is spread by spores found in soil -- and Taylor was allegedly exposed to it.
As we've reported, Schwarzenegger is already facing a lawsuit from 22 current and former inmates at another California prison for exposure to the disease.
Taylor's family is asking Schwarzenegger and some other ex-California politicians to cover burial expenses and other unspecified damages.
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