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Justin Bieber's Toronto Assault Charges Dropped

Assault charges involving the 'Never Say Never' singer and a Toronto limousine driver last year have been dropped.

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber's assault charges in Toronto have been dropped. Justin's lawyer, Brian Greenspan, said in a statement to ABC News on Monday, September 8, "On January 29, 2014, Justin Bieber was charged with assault in relation to an incident in Toronto that had allegedly occurred on December 29, 2013."

The statement continued, "We welcome the decision of the office of the Crown Attorney to withdraw the charge, having reached the conclusion that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction. We have always maintained Mr. Bieber's innocence. The withdrawal of the charge is the product of a thorough and thoughtful review of the evidence by responsible prosecutors. We thank them for their consideration."

Brian told reporters outside the Old City Hall courthouse in Toronto, "[Justin] was obviously relieved because he has got a great deal on his plate with his busy career. He is delighted there's one less diversion in his life."

Crown lawyer David Mitchell explained, "The police have completed their investigation, having interviewed all the witnesses who were willing to speak to them, and having obtained all relevant surveillance videos and the 911 call."

He continued, "There were a number of people in the vehicle seated behind the driver (Abdul Mohar) at the time of the incident and the Crown is not in a position to establish the identity of the person who came into contact with the complainant beyond a reasonable doubt based on the available evidence. The complainant is aware that the charge is going to be withdrawn ... and my reasons for doing so."

Bryan claimed Justin maintained his innocence from the beginning. He added, "This is an example of the system working as it should. Police laid the charge after a complaint was made and the Crown did its job by reviewing all the evidence before reaching the correct decision."

Justin was previously charged with assault after the limousine driver said he was struck in his car while he was working in the Entertainment District.

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